Wednesday, August 28, 2019

DMVW: Enforce Safety

What if the Department of Motor Vehicles in each state added a division for Weapons and became the Department of Motor Vehicles and Weapons. We have laws that address safety when operating a vehicle. Why not laws that address safety when operating weapons???

Driver's, owners and operators of vehicles are required to follow the rules established by their state to own and operate a vehicle*. Ranger's**, owners and operators of firearms/weapons, should be required to do the same.

We, the people of the United States, need to establish a law requiring all persons who handle and own fire arms/weapons to take and pass a fire arms/weapons use and safety course/class if they wish to "carry a gun". In addition, each person who passes the class would be required to apply for a license to use and own fire arms/weapons. The license would need to be renewed the same as a driver's license. And, on the driver's license, or ID, if a non driver, would be an indicator that the bearer is authorized to own/operate a firearm. This way a state trouper, county sheriff, city police officer, or any police or government authority would know just by looking at the license that the bearer is authorized to own/use a fire arm/weapon. Age restriction would apply, following the temporary permit leading to a license system as with drivers of vehicles.

Each fire arm/weapon, just as each vehicle, would need to be registered with the state, using the same system/process for registering a vehicle.

The course/class would be administered by private entities, i.e. driving schools, and the sale of fire arms/weapons, would continue as a free enterprise, the same as auto/vehicle sales. Each school would issue a certificate. Each store would issue a title, and both would need to be recorded with the state.

Fire arms/weapons, such as automatic weapons, would not be legal to sell or own, just as tanks and machine guns,i.e. are considered weapons of war.

Below are definitions and links to further explanations relevant to this dialog. I am looking for your comments, feedback, and suggestions on how to make some, or all of this happen.

Folks, we need to take action!!!

*Driving without a license or a suspended or revoked license, is illegal in all 50 states and the consequences can be dire. In most cases, the first offense is not a simple traffic infraction, but a misdemeanor that carries much heavier penalties than a traffic ticket.May 31, 2019 In every state, traffic laws make it unlawful to operate a motor vehicle when: The vehicle has never been registered with the state department of motor vehicles (or motor vehicles bureau) in the state where it is primarily used, or The vehicle's once-valid registration has expired (i.e. required fees and filings were not submitted to the state motor vehicle department within the registration period).

**A ranger is someone who ranges; i.e., who travels far. Ranged weapons are called such not because they were used by rangers, but because they project missiles over a far distance.

Friday, February 8, 2019

Reflections of Oneself

Did you know that we are the same shadow? Our souls are friends. Our smiles are formed from the same spirit and we speak from the same heart. Yet, there are times when the shadow is not visible. Our souls are empty, our smiles are no longer, our spirit has waned, and our heart is longing for the smile of the soul on the shadow of the spirit to return.

Saturday, February 2, 2019

They'll Know We Are Choctaw By Our Heart

Raised by the son of a Dawes Rolls, original enrollee, I learned that my heart is a Choctaw heart.
“There is something beyond our culture, beyond our native language, and beyond our stewardship of the earth that identifies us. It is something that unites us as a nation and connects us to all nations and that is heart bound by a rich tradition of servant leadership. We strive for the good and well-being of all people. It’s in our hearts to reach out and positively affect change throughout the communities in which we live and serve to enrich our state with opportunity and to help provide (all people) with bright futures. To give them confidence to nurture their own families and pursue their own ambitions. It’s in our hearts to respond to those in need, to provide them with shelter, love and care. To be the first there and the last to leave. It’s in our hearts to share our traditions of art, dance and storytelling as a means to, not only strengthen our own people but to cultivate an understanding of the gifts we all hold dear. “
My father lived to be 98 years old and during the entire time I knew him, he never spoke an unkind word about anyone. His kind, friendly, and outgoing manner, left people with smiles on their faces and peace in their hearts. His nature was to listen, without interruption, and then reply in a few words, but those words were always well chosen. His humor, though dry, was like an arrow always hitting the bulls eye. The family he belongs to is warm and loving, always providing comfort and support. He gave me many unspoken gifts that I will treasure forever, and use them as he did, in his honor.

Friday, February 1, 2019

The Next Foothold In Life....

It's been awhile. Years, in fact, but life continues on. When we get to the lone, scrub oak that is perched upon the small, earthen mound, adjacent to the redwood, stake fence, beside the driveway, we can sit awhile and I will tell you the tale of calm seas and inflated egos.