Saturday, October 30, 2010


Musical phrases take on a variety of melodious forms. While the average ear leans towards the comforting sound of harmonic major chords, discords cannot help but jar the ear and bring the listener back, quickly, from a harmonic lull.

Life is full of these inopportune, yet necessary reminders. Reminders that reality is full of pit falls and side roads. Not all of our journeys prove to be ones of reward and satisfaction. Some of our most interesting and important trips result from these unexpected blips in our time line of life. More often than not, we wonder why they happened and never think of them as important events or crossroads of significance.

Every event in life has a meaning. That is why each one of us has a unique dance. It is the singularity of these actions that makes our imprint non-replicable. No one can ever change places with us nor we with them. We can only try to understand each others process.

My life goes in and out of discord and harmony. Whose doesn't? Whether it is me or you, it still has the same feeling of instability. I think of particles in space colliding in mid-air at break-neck speeds, smashing themselves into smithereens. After some of these moments of discord we often feel as though we can never be whole again. But, some how the train-wrecked body and mind undergo a transformation and once again appear to be all together. It is only the spirit that continues to feel like the crushed ice in a snow cone.

When this happens it is time for a melt down. Truly, I mean that in a good and positive way. We have to let go. Stop making ice from water. Our tendency is to do more, not less. We need to stop trying. Put aside the things in our lives that are creating discord. If you do there will be room for harmony to return.

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